Tragedy Strikes Both Pedestrian and Driver in Deadly Lexington Crash
Two elderly men recently died in an evening hours motor vehicle vs. pedestrian crash near Glendover Elementary School in Lexington. The Fayette County Coroner’s Office say the pedestrian who was struck and killed in this crash was age 77 and a 58-year-old man was the driver. Crash investigators have since reported that the driver was in a medical emergency when he accidentally struck and killed the pedestrian between Nicholasville and Tates Creek roads.
Although Lexington Police believe no one is at fault at this time and this is likely a horrific accident due to the driver’s medical emergency, it is still an important time to remind drivers and pedestrians alike about ways to prevent accidents between the two groups.
Intersections Are Home to Most Pedestrian Accidents
The driver of a vehicle is almost always liable in a car accident involving a pedestrian. For obvious reasons, intersections and walkways pose the most common injury risk to pedestrians, most often due to drivers failing to make a full stop. A full stop is necessary to allow drivers to thoroughly observe their immediate environment and see any pedestrians who may be walking into the road. Not only can a failure to make a full stop result in an accident with a person who is walking or running, but it can also result in a serious car crash with another vehicle. In addition, it may seem like no big deal, but illegal U-turns are dangerous for drivers and pedestrians alike. U-turns would be unsafe and are not allowed in areas where speed or the direction of traffic would create low visibility.
Drivers should also avoid all distractions like sending text messages or visiting social media sites while operating a motor vehicle.
Pedestrians can also choose to make these decisions for staying safe while waiting at a crosswalk or crossing at an intersection.
- Always cross the street at a designated crosswalk or intersection and follow any pedestrian traffic signals.
- If a designated area is not available, it is always safest to walk on a sidewalk, or on the shoulder of the road, facing traffic.
- Pedestrians should avoid being distracted by their phones while walking and keep their head up and attention fixed on their surroundings.
- If traveling at night, pedestrians can take extra safety precautions like carrying a flashlight and wearing retro-reflective clothing.
A 2017 report by the Governors Highway Safety Association shows that the number of pedestrians killed in traffic jumped 11 percent last year, to nearly 6,000. This marked 2017 as the largest single-year increase in pedestrian fatalities in more than two decades.
Contact Rhoads & Rhoads – NO RECOVERY, NO FEE
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car vs. pedestrian accident, the Kentucky personal injury law firm of Rhoads & Rhoads is ready to provide you with the legal support needed to ensure you and your family are able to recover successfully, without undue financial stress. We never collect fees unless your case is won or settled.
To hear more about how we can help, call us today at 888-709-9329 or contact us by e-mail to schedule an appointment. We provide a completely free consultation.